Vl’Lavinda Feinn

Vl’Lavinda Feinn told a different tale each time she recounted how she lost her eye, each more grandiose than the last.  The most recent incarnation included a Beholder harvesting the eye to transplant it onto one of its own damaged stalks.  She included the fact that she sometimes witnessed phantom images of what the creature was seeing.  Few sought to see beyond the veil of hair she fancied to find the eye still intact within its socket.

In truth, the eye simply went dark for no discernible reason over her pubescent years.  A gradual process considering her Elven heritage which granted her the time necessary to come to terms with her singular vision.  The healers found no solution to the blindness and attributed it to congenital anomaly.  She was not bitter or torn, despite the unlikelihood of her ever finding a suitor among the great Houses.  Her own family, while supportive, conveyed enough subtle pity that Vl’Lavinda chose to relinquish the study of her arcane gifts and to strike out on her own.

The one-eyed Elven sorcerer found her charismatic and wise demeanor a commodity among adventuring circles.  Carving story and fortune among these ranks, she encountered the paladin of the one-eyed god that would direct the path of her future.  When romantic attachment began to surface between the two heroes, the paladin excised himself from the potential breach of code within his strict calling.  Vl’Lavinda discovered that though sight was lost to her in one eye, tears could still flow from both.

She turned to the church of the one-eyed god and devoted herself to the tenets she had come to love.  Her own physical representation played little into her beliefs, and she was rewarded in time with the god’s grace, granting her the ability to wield his powers throughout the lands.

So it was that Sorcerer Priestess Feinn found herself once more bringing her unique vision to the world of adventure, calling upon all those she encountered to see the world in a light much different than that to which they were accustomed.

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